London police arrested a hacker who could leak GTA VI gameplay and hack into Uber - a 17-year-old teenager

By: Elena Shcherban | 24.09.2022, 23:14
London police arrested a hacker who could leak GTA VI gameplay and hack into Uber - a 17-year-old teenager

The media suspect that police in London have arrested the hacker who recently Not yet deleted! Early GTA VI gameplay videos leaked online, posted a document with almost 10,000 lines of code and claimed responsibility for the Uber hack. And best of all, it's a 17-year-old teenager.

Here's What We Know

The arrest was reported by London police, but they did not specify what the arrest was in connection with. The statement only said they arrested a 17-year-old in Oxfordshire on Sept. 22 on suspicion of hacking as part of an investigation supported by the National Cybercrime Unit. He remains in custody.

Many of the details, however, are consistent with recent high-profile hacks. In the spring of this year, police arrested and then released seven teenagers in connection with an investigation into the hacking group Lapsus$. Today's arrest also comes just days after two security breaches believed to be linked to Lapsus$.

Recall that the hacker who leaked screenshots and gameplay videos of GTA VI claimed responsibility for the recent Uber hack. At that time, the attacker shared with the media screenshots of the company's internal systems, according to which he got full access to many critical systems of Uber, including the company's security software and Windows domain, got to the Amazon Web Services console, VMware vSphere/ESXi virtual machines, Google Workspace email admin panel and Slack server. Uber believes that "this attacker (or attackers) is linked to a hacker group called Lapsus$, which has become increasingly active over the past year or so."

Journalists from a number of publications were able to talk to the hacker, and he said he was only 18 years old.

In March, Bloomberg reported that the person believed to be behind several of the group's major attacks was a 16-year-old whose home police visited near Oxford, England, in Oxfordshire.

Source: The Verge, @CityPolice