Boeing wants to sell Poland modernised F-15EX Eagle II fighters worth more than $80 million

By: Maksim Panasovskyi | 07.09.2023, 23:35
Boeing wants to sell Poland modernised F-15EX Eagle II fighters worth more than $80 million

Boeing took part in the MSPO-2023 defence exhibition in Poland. The US giant sees the European country as a potential buyer of F-15EX Eagle II aircraft.

Here's What We Know

The F-15EX Eagle is a modernised fighter aircraft that the US Air Force is positioning as a 4.5+ or 5- generation aircraft. The US service wants to purchase more than 110 units of the Eagle II. The cost of one fighter jet for the US Air Force will be more than $80 million.

The aircraft's resource exceeds 20,000 flight hours. The F-15EX Eagle II, with its improved interoperability with US and NATO forces, will allow the Polish Armed Forces to be better prepared for future threats.

Currently, there are two F-15EX Eagle II fighters. They are being used for testing. The aircraft recently confirmed the ability to carry and launch three JASSM missiles with a launch range of more than 300 kilometres.

In addition, the upgraded fighter can be armed with a dozen AIM-120 AMRAAM missiles, which is one and a half times more than the F-15 Eagle. The Eagle II is potentially a hypersonic weapons carrier.

Source: Boeing