Amnesia for good: Dragon's Dogma II game director assures that you won't need to play the first instalment to understand the plot of the new game

By: Anton Kratiuk | 17.01.2024, 13:39
Amnesia for good: Dragon's Dogma II game director assures that you won't need to play the first instalment to understand the plot of the new game

The release of the ambitious role-playing game Dragon's Dogma II is coming soon.

After the release of the original game, 12 years have passed. It is worth noting that the first part was not very popular, so many gamers may refuse to get acquainted with Dragon's Dogma II because of the fear that its nuances will be incomprehensible.

Capcom actively promotes the project and releases a lot of colourful trailers, but game director Hideaki Itsuno decided to personally comment on the relationship between the first and second game.

Here's What We Know

The developer emphasised that the sequel is indeed connected to the first part in many ways and uses its plot and some elements as a basis for the narrative, and fans of the 2012 game will find many interesting references in Dragon's Dogma II.

However, Hideaki Itsuno emphasised that gamers should not refuse to get acquainted with the new part of the RPG just because they haven't gone through the original. Game designer said that his team took this point into account and decided to use a rather banal narrative technique in the form of amnesia of the protagonist, which will allow the surrounding characters to tell the protagonist (and at the same time the player) all the important moments from the past.

When We Can Expect It

Dragon's Dogma 2 will be released on 22 March 2024 on PC, PS5 and Xbox Series.

The system requirements of the Dragon's Dogma II RPG are already known.

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Source: Games radar