Ukrainian figuretal created the world's first exercise bike for mining bitcoins

Almost every day we see news about new devices that work with the help of blocking technologies. Crypto currency is used for lending services , equipment for mining is planned to be produced by Samsung, and mining farms are adapted for growing vegetables . Ukrainian inventor Grigory Kolesnik decided to combine useful with useful and created the world's first exercise bike that can beat the bitcoins!
As a basis, the businessman took the model of his Circle Fitness bicycle, replacing the firmware of the built-in computer so that she could display the bitcoin rate on the display. The results of the calculations are transferred via Wi-Fi to the home server. Gregory does not hide that the idea of such an exercise bike has arisen in him for a long time, after viewing the viral advertisement (the gg editor found this video on YouTube). In the video, the energy of several operating exercise bikes is used to launch a projection video on the facade of the building with a demonstration of a male striptease.
The inventor told gg that he had been thinking for several years about how to use this idea not just for entertainment, but for making money and creating a unique trade offer, and one day, having discovered his bitcoin-wallet, he realized that it was possible to combine the mining of bitcoins with lessons on the stationary bike. "We are constantly short of time to go in for sports, and this decision will create an incentive," says the entrepreneur.
The more you do on an exercise bike - the more you earn
In the plans of the inventor to create networks of distributed computing on the basis of exercise bikes and install them in gyms, providing them with additional income. Grigory is confident that his idea will be in demand around the world and already plans to start a crowdaming campaign to raise funds for production and development. The cost of his exercise bike, he has not yet announced - it will depend on the scale of production, and the time of "payback" will directly depend on the time spent by the user on the stationary bike.
For those who want to know more
- Gadgets on the blockbuster: still free, but already useful
- Google is working on the implementation of block technologies in its services
- In Ukraine, launched a loan service on the security of crypto currency
- Crypto-currency farm helps grow vegetables
- Samsung began production of equipment for the crypto currency
- iPhone taught how to beat the bitcoins