UK starts production of 120mm mortars

By: Mykhailo Stoliar | 16.09.2024, 09:30
UK starts production of 120mm mortars

The British company Babcock and Singapore's ST Engineering have begun production of 120mm mortars in the UK.

Here's What We Know

The production of 120mm mortars is a historic event, as the UK has never produced them before, focusing exclusively on 81mm mortars. The creation of 120mm mortar capacity is part of a programme to increase the firepower of new infantry battalions on the battlefield.

The production will be deployed at the UK-based Perfect Bore Manufacturing, which operates in various sectors, including oil and gas, automotive, nuclear, aerospace and defence.

120 mm GDAMS self-propelled mortar system

With the two companies signing a cooperation agreement, they will offer a joint solution in the form of the GDAMS self-propelled mortar system to the British Army, which is currently looking for systems to reinforce infantry battalions.

Source: Babcock