Half of Czech population would not go to defend country in case of war - poll

According to a survey conducted by NMS Market Research, more than half of Czech residents would not defend their country in the event of an aggressor attack.
Here's What We Know
Only two out of ten Czechs have a positive opinion of the country's current military readiness, according to the latest survey. Only 29% of respondents expressed their readiness to participate in the country's defence, while 19% were undecided.
The majority of respondents - 65% - support the idea of reintroducing compulsory military service, believing that conscripts should be the ones to ensure the defence of the Czech Republic.
Nevertheless, 67% of respondents expressed confidence that the Czech Republic's membership in NATO increases the country's security. The same number of respondents support the provision of military assistance if another member state is threatened.
Almost two-thirds of Czechs are confident that NATO would come to the rescue in the event of an attack on the Czech Republic. At the same time, 80% believe that the security situation in Europe has deteriorated due to the war in Ukraine.
Two-thirds of respondents fear the war will spread beyond Ukraine, but more than half oppose NATO's more active involvement in the conflict.
Despite their cautious attitude, some Czech citizens are voluntarily travelling to Ukraine to fight against Russia. Czech President Petr Pavel recently approved 60 applications for citizens to join the Ukrainian armed forces.
Source: Forum24