31-year-old nurse became a cryptocurrency millionaire and quit his job

By: Maksim Panasovskyi | 23.12.2021, 14:03
31-year-old nurse became a cryptocurrency millionaire and quit his job

A nurse from the United States named Josh Dorgan decided to quit his job after reaching over $ 1,000,000 a year trading cryptocurrency.

What is known

A 31-year-old nurse from Nebraska took up trading on a cryptocurrency exchange in 2017 when he learned that Bitcoin was worth more than $ 2,000. Before the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, he combined work in a clinic with trading.

With the rise in cases of COVID-19 infection, it has become increasingly difficult to combine the two jobs. In an interview with Bloomberg, Dorgan noted that it was difficult for him to come to terms with the fact that in 5 minutes of work on the exchange he would receive as much as in a day at the clinic.

Over time, Josh was able to generate income of over $ 1,000,000 a year. At the end of summer 2020, he decided to quit his job at the clinic and began to be more active in trading. For this, Dorgan even hired a professional consultant.

Now the former medical professional says he is very pleased with the decision. In addition to Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin, he also trades in “traditional” markets.