Bandai Namco sent a grand gift to Let me solo her - a legendary player from Elden Ring

By: Vadim Osiyuk | 07.07.2022, 17:48
Bandai Namco sent a grand gift to Let me solo her - a legendary player from Elden Ring

Let me solo her is a player who tries to help as many other Extinct as possible in the battle with Malenia, almost the hardest boss in the Elden Ring. Let me solo has become a legend within the community, and now even Bandai Namco has recognized his merits.

In his Twitter Let me solo revealed that the company sent him a huge collectible version of the Elden Ring. It includes:

  • Wooden tablet with Malenia.
  • Cape.
  • A piece of the Elden Ring world map.
  • Full size sword.
  • The letter is specially for Let me solo her. There, Bandai Namco welcomes the player with "anniversary" - 1,000 Malenias killed. What is interesting, while the package was going, Let me solo took a new milestone - 2,000 killed Malenias. 

This edition does not seem to be available for free sale: it is sent to the selected few that Bandai Namco has their eye on. For example, on the wooden plaque, the circulation is indicated - only 40 copies. And another copy of almost the same edition was received by the writer Brandon Sanderson, with which the company seems to want to cooperate.

Let me her solo thanked to those who inspired him to become a legend - Limit Breakers, BonfireVN and "many others". Meanwhile, the community continues to praise Let me her solo's feat in artwork, cosplay, and Reddit posts: record, where the legend shows a gift from Bandai Namco, has collected more than 82 thousand likes.