Without any prior announcements, the re-release of Tomb Raider (2013), which remained a PlayStation 4 and Xbox One exclusive for a decade, has been released on PC

An unexpected situation happened with the re-release of the action game Tomb Raider (2013), which was released ten years ago for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One and has remained a console exclusive ever since.
Here's What We Know
Without any prior announcements or even hints, Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition is now available for purchase on the Microsoft Store. The main features of this re-release are slightly changed appearance of Lara Croft, improved physics of trees and bushes, as well as the fact that it includes all released DLC.
It's worth noting that back in the year of release, experts noted that the re-release was in many ways inferior to the PC version of the standard Tomb Raider (2013). Why now Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition has been added to the Microsoft Store and why without an announcement is unknown. Perhaps Microsoft will add this version of the game to Game Pass and for the sake of it ported this edition from consoles to PC, but it would have been much easier to offer subscribers of the service the regular version of Tomb Raider (2013), which runs on modern computers without any problems.
Source: Microsoft Store