YouTube is not going to leave Russia yet (unfortunately)

By: Elena Shcherban | 24.05.2022, 22:07
YouTube is not going to leave Russia yet (unfortunately)

Due to the war in Ukraine, at the end of February, YouTube completely Google has disabled the monetization of content that spreads fakes about the war in Ukraine . However, while the video service continues to work in the aggressor country.

What's next?

Speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki said that YouTube has no intention of leaving Russia just yet. And there are reasons for this.

“We see in this conflict that information really plays an important role. This is the reason why we are still working in Russia. We believe it is important to deliver independent news to Russia,” said Susan Wojcicki.

In addition, YouTube also performs humanitarian tasks - for example, for distance learning and medical assistance in the field.

Recall that in February, YouTube disabled the channel of pro-Kremlin journalist Vladimir Solovyov, channels associated with the Russian defense and foreign ministries, as well as channels associated with Russian state media, including Russia Today and Sputnik. In addition, Google has disabled (including on YouTube) the monetization of content that spreads fake news about Russia's war against Ukraine, denies or justifies it. The other day we wrote about YouTube removes over 9,000 channels and 70,000 videos of Russian propaganda about the war in Ukraine.

Source: The Hollywood Reporter

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