“Will you answer or died?”: the invader stole a PlayStation 4 from Mariupol and now asks him for an account password

We have repeatedly heard that Russian occupiers steal household appliances, jewelry, underwear and even electric kettles from Ukrainians without a power station. But the story that told on Twitter, Toronto TV co-host and screenwriter Anatoly Ostapenko surprises even more.
What happened?
According to Ostapenko, Russian marauders stole a PlayStation 4 game console from a resident of Mariupol. And the other day he received an interesting letter by e-mail: the interlocutor asked him for a password from his PlayStation Network account.

Of course, the owner of the console refused, to which the interlocutor politely explained that he needed a password to enter hidden games. Apparently, he wants to unlock them for a full launch and use Sony gaming services, which are blocked in Russia.
After the owner of the console did not answer him, the occupier (or the person to whom the stolen equipment was sold) wrote:? "Will you answer or die?"

Now the man is trying to determine exactly where the marauder is. He may be able to remotely lock the console with PlayStation support.
Source: @OstAnatoliy