Mastercard will support national crypto-currencies

By: Anton Melnik | 21.03.2018, 05:22
Mastercard will support national crypto-currencies

Executive Director of the Mastercard branch in the Asia-Pacific region Ari Sarker said that the company is ready to work with digital currencies, but only with those that are supported by the central banks of the states, that is, national ones.

Without risks

Such a choice Sarker explained by the fact that such currencies are fully supported by real values, regulated by the state and not used in all kinds of criminal schemes, since they are not anonymous. However, this does not negate the fact that the company is actively working on studying the blockbuster and crypto currency. At the moment, the research team of the financial giant has filed more than 30 patent applications related to the above technologies.

But with the times

In addition, Sarker spoke a bit about the Mastercard pilot program in Japan and Singapore, which will allow bitcoin owners to cash in their crypto-currency funds using the Mastercard network. According to him, the corporation is not involved in trading at all and this is just an experiment to which it treats very cautiously, realizing all reputational risks.

Source: FinancialTimes

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